Sunday, April 10, 2011

To believe or not to believe...

Through a recourse of self-pity, is it not that you hope that a higher power, perhaps an almighty god, takes notice and out of pity or else for the sake of fairness changes your fortunes for good?

So, that should, by implication, mean that an atheist never wallows in self-pity, never blames anyone but his own deeds for any misfortune that’s come his way, never seeks out Lady Luck’s sleight of hand, but instead believes in himself, his own hard work and resilience. There now! We have a reason to be an atheist!!

That brings me to think that to an atheist, he is himself the almighty God. That sounds more arrogant than heroic but atheists are brave non-conformists, too!

I have long reached a conclusion that the realization of God or the awakening of the spirit is simply recognising your own self! The numerous ancient Hindu sages and hermits, the Buddha, Mohammad, all reached the awakening through meditation (so the historical texts say, and no particular reason to repudiate them) Your higher consciousness is the path to recognizing the true self within you.

I shall try and explain my understanding of the Hindu concept of the soul. Any machine draws one kind of energy and produces another kind of energy and heat (friction), thereby, retaining nothing for itself. Say a personal computer that draws electric energy and does the various processes that it is supposed to do. Through gradual wear and tear, faults occur and the computer is no longer able to function. It’s dead!

A human body similarly absorbs the cosmic energy and performs its various biological processes. Through gradual wear and tear, organs start to fail and eventually cannot perform this change of energy. The body dies. So what is it that gave it life? Energy? Well, more like the ability to perform the transfer of energy. That energy I believe is the soul. Gita said 3,500 years ago that souls are neither created nor destroyed. They only change their presence from one body to another! Law of conservation of souls? If only the ancient Hindu sages, back in their day, knew of other manifestable forms of energy (other than mechanical energy, i.e.), their explanation would have (possibly) been clearer.

What would cause this transfer of energy and what is the point? No answer to the latter but for the former one could start by understanding how life started? A law of nature states that every matter seeks to attain the lowest possible energy state (the most stable state). Two potentially Exothermic-Reaction-causing-elements came into contact with one another and combined to form a compound (lower energy state). Energy reserves found aplenty caused Endothermic Reactions too. Complex compounds were formed. The first amino acid (or is it protein?) was formed which could use oxygen, energy and thereby, through the quest of a more stable state, multiply (Maybe this explains the law of nature which wants every single species to survive). Through a set of reversible reactions, the process of continuously retaining its original chemical composition was achieved. And hence we got our first single celled microorganism which could perform both metabolism and replication.

And then evolution...

We have the life as we understand it today. However, the theory is based on two assumptions: the pre-existence of a large quantity of energy and at least one law that requires every matter reach its most stable form.

Who made/makes these laws? Who decided the sum total of the energy present in the universe? Who placed it there? (Replace the “Who” with a “What” if you will) The theist would conveniently answer "God" and go about singing praises of His Divine Act. I hope the theists do not adhere to blind faith and give up thinking.

And I hope I have induced you (atheist or not) into thinking. Happy thinking!!

Meanwhile I shall go out and gaze at the stars...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

10 things that define a geek!

1. Finds Linux to be far more convenient to use!

2. Finds to be the funniest compilation ever!

3. Finds SouthPark to be the best thing ever made and doesn't quite understand why friends is so popular!

4. Knows impeccable English!

5. Music means heavy metal, Hindi-music is absolutely awful!

6. Rubik's cube, sudoku and the like are a cakewalk!

7. Loves to design gadgets, cars, geeky cartoons or else vastly interested in blogging/photography/coding/quizzing!

8. Doesn't understand light romance. Its either fiery love or complete disinterest!

9. Is very passionate about an unconventional sport like baseball or F1 or the like!

10.They are the coolest people around (gotta give them that) and you yearn to be like them, although you hate to admit it!!

This post is based on my own astute(!) observations... so comments invited!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

had to drift apart...

Sometimes you just have to learn to let go... weird thing that the first post on this blog has to start this way but I am all consumed by this loss at the moment so can't really think up of a better way to start!

I still remember her touch, her comforting presence... was such a big relief from the hot and humid climate at Kharagpur! The great chemistry we had.. I guess I just used an overdose of chemicals... if you know what I mean!
People shot glances when we walked by on the streets. "Nice find" my envious friends would say!
About once every week we loved drenching each other wet. Something that I did not quite look forward to but yeah she loved it!!

Not that I grew out of her or anything.. she fitted me so perfectly well. But sometimes you just get the feeling that the thing has dragged on for too long and then you start reminiscing about the comforting presence that was there when the association started but is now missing! Overdose of chemicals shrunk her a bit....

I, on my part, was a little too possessive especially once when I had said no to a friend who wanted to borrow her for a dance night!
And now that its all over, I guess I have nothing to worry about. You do get to see so many better looking ones. A casual stroll in a market place or better still, in malls, is sure to guarantee that. And then again I am still in good shape!
As I look back I think it was a nice thing to do. It feels good to see her with someone who could not really afford to have her around. I am quite a generous chap!!

Last week while cleaning my room I found the packet that I received her in... was a birthday present from a few of my good friends.. tiny letters can still be read on it... "POLO XL"!